Friday, December 26, 2014

My Girl

Shameless proud mama pics because heaven has dropped down right into my arms:

Sitting up like a big girl in her crib-

Walking around her crib with Daddy's help-

Those darn teeth just need to pop!

Playing with new toys from Tia Elisa-

Playing in the new activity center that Grandma & Grandpa Hernandez got her-

Bundled up so we could go outdoors for a minute on Christmas-

Sleeping so sweetly (don't tell other parents of 4 month olds - she sleeps 10 hours a night)-

1 comment:

  1. One of the best lessons i've learned as a mommy is to be "part of the picture" being taken instead of just being the one taking the pictures. It forces you to be the one enjoying the moment instead of just watching it happen from the sidelines. You are excellent at planning things and I think working Moms always carry a sense of guilt for not staying home. You are doing your best and don't ever forget that. xoxo
