Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lord, never let me forget

Sometimes we're given the fortunate and unfortunate opportunity to learn from someone else's life experience.  This week I learned difficult news about the child of someone I know and it made me pause and think about things.  What am I doing with my life?  Are my priorities where they should be?  Does Alessandra have the benefit of everything that she deserves and everything that I would wish for her.

Would I prioritize things differently if I knew we only had 20 years left? Would I make more time for her now if I knew we only had 15 years left?  In some ways it's morbid thinking that we shouldn't set our minds to for too long but in other ways its important to ask these questions to ensure that we're reminded of the big picture and that we're living life authentically.

Lord, let me never take for granted and let me never forget the importance of every single moment with her.

The way her face looks, never fearful - always inquisitive and determined - when I introduce a new toy or a new challenge.
The way her face lights up and she smiles both with her mouth and with her eyes when she sees me in the morning.
How warm her perfect little head with its fuzzy coating of hair feels when I rest my cheek on it while holding her.
The beautiful sound of her voice when she speaks to me with a tone that ranges from excited to argumentative.
The way her little fingers wrap so softly around mine when I hold her bottle and she holds my hand.
The way she looks to me with those big saucer eyes when something is wrong and she knows I can make things better.
How quickly her eyelids get heavy and she drifts off to sleep when she's worn out and in my arms.

My heart now walks around outside my body.  I pray always for perspective, for strength, that God helps me be a good Mama, and that my little love always be happy, healthy & fulfilled.

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