Saturday, October 11, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Now that Ryan is no longer sick and he is home from his fun business trip to New Orleans, he has definitely made up for lost time with Alessandra.  We've always been a team as far as taking care of Alessandra but since his return from NOLA he has really gone above and beyond.  He often tries to make Alessandra laugh throughout the day, he carries her around with her head popped up over his shoulder showing her the world, and he is often the one who soothes her when she gets worked up - he even calmed her down after painful 2 month immunizations while I cowered in the corner.

Ryan held Alessandra most of the evening after her two month immunizations:

One day this week, Ryan spent the entire day at home with Alessandra while I was at work! At first, I was worried about it.  I wasn't worried that Alessandra wouldn't be well taken care of.  I was worried that Ryan would be stressed out, overwhelmed, or just uncertain of what to do.  Well, I had no reason to be worried. Alessandra and Daddy had a GREAT day together!  Throughout the day he sent me various photos and videos to show me how things were going and each time I was more and more impressed.  Alessandra had the biggest smile on her face & his voice sounded pleasant and jovial. They spent much of the day playing, doing tummy time & bonding with each other. And as a bonus, when Ryan wasn't entertaining and caring for Alessandra, he got so much housework done!

Smiles early in the morning while Daddy talked with her:

Working hard during tummy time:

More smiles for Daddy:

I love seeing the two of them together. My bond with Alessandra was instantaneous & began way back when she was just a bump in my tummy but Ryan's bond with her is one that has taken time to grow and develop. From the start he has been eager for her to get past the newborn stage & become more interactive. Well, it's happening! She follows him around the room with her eyes. She pouts (without crying) when she wants his attention, and she smiles So Much for him. It makes me a little bit jealous & a lot happy.

I knew years ago that I'd eventually want a child & after all the heartbreak in 2008 I knew it was so important to marry someone who wouldn't just be a good partner for me - my husband had to also be someone who would become a great dad.  It's easy to see the world with rose colored glasses when you're in love, but I definitely stepped back & asked myself if this person I loved so much would be a great parent. It's easy to be focused on our own happiness but someone can be a great spouse & a good person without wanting or being able to become a great parent.

I'm so grateful for Ryan. He is an excellent dad! Without hesitation he will pop up at Alessandra's tiniest whimper to make sure she's ok. He'll push through exhaustion like I've never seen him do before to ensure that her needs are met.  He is always talking about what he wants to teach her & about experiences he wants to share with her. I know that even when I'm not around - or, God forbid, without me - Ryan does a great job of raising Alessandra.

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