Thursday, October 16, 2014

A New Mom's Day

This is a sample schedule for how I spend my day:

10:35p-3:45a sleep
3:45 diaper
3:50 bottle/pump next meal
4:15 soothe/get to sleep
4:35-6 work
6 shower/eat breakfast/makeup
6:40 clean bottles
7:00 finish getting ready for work
7:20 bottle/pump next meal
7:50 diaper/change clothes
8:05 clean pump equipment/pack diaper bag, pack work bag, pack pumping equipment
8:20 off to grandma's for childcare
8:40 drive to work
9a-5p work - two pumping sessions at work
5 to grandma's to get baby
520 drive home
545 dinner & time with Ryan (if Ryan isn't late & Alessandra allows)
615 bottle/pump next meal
645 play/bonding/learning time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
815 varied: clean bottles/do laundry/rest if possible/Alessandra naps/hold or cuddle her while she naps
915 bottle/pump next meal
940 bath time for Alessandra
10 dress/swaddle/soothe until sleeping


A few points about this post:

First, this by no means is meant to convey that Ryan doesn't have a busy day as well.  He gets a slightly later start most days between 6 and 6:30am but he usually stays up a bit later than me to ensure that Alessandra stays asleep after I conk out at night, He also regularly covers one or more of the above tasks to help me out during the day in addition to completing his own to-dos such as laundry, dishwashing, and grocery shopping. There are also various small things he helps with like changing diapers and ensuring that Alessandra isn't fussing.  They have a very special bond.  He regularly spends time making her smile in the morning while I'm cleaning bottles or getting ready and he almost always joins in on play/bonding/learning time in the evenings.

Second, I love being a Mommy. I just wish there were more hours in the day! I wish I had ten times as many hours to spend with Alessandra! Work keeps me pretty busy but I try to sneak away to hang out with my favorite girl when possible.  My schedule is slightly more flexible on Wednesdays so I usually pick Alessandra up an hour early on Wednesdays so we can have more play/bonding/learning time.  I also wish I had about an hour a day more for myself. Recently, I'm trying to make time to cook more and exercise - but currently exercise only happens on the weekends.

Third, thank you Lord for the day of rest! I look forward to weekends like I never looked forward to them before.  I"m so thankful that I have at least a couple of days a week when I can take naps during the day, spend more time enjoying Ryan's company and, of course, spend more time with my precious girl.

Now y'all know how I spend my day!

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