Friday, January 30, 2015

Changes Made!

It has been about two weeks since my last blog post and so many positive things have happened and/or are in the works!

Cooking- Ryan is responsible for grocery shopping and he brought home very simple ingredients so that I could start cooking again.  Our meals were nothing fancy - simple salmon, chicken, and ham recipes - but it was really nice not to be eating fast food and not having to have the dreaded "what's for dinner tonight" conversation at 5pm as I wrapped up 10 tasks at work.

Exercise- Lately, I sometimes go an entire week without exercise :-(  I never thought I'd have a sedentary lifestyle and it makes me so frustrated when I realize I've gone several consecutive days without exercise. This week I managed to get two workouts in and I'm hoping to get at least one more in this weekend.  My sisters send me updates when they go to the gym/bootcamp/etc. and it really helps keep me motivated and dedicated.

Marriage- Hubby and I haven't had much more time together BUT we've made future plans for time together.  Every year Ryan goes to a banquet around this time of the year for work.  We always stay at the hotel where the banquet is held and make a little stay-cation out of it.  This year, we're going to go and it will be my first overnight trip without Alessandra!  I'm anxious about it and I'm sure I'll annoy my parents when I text to check in on her - but goshdarnit - Ryan & I will have some time together!

Pre-baby friends- I somehow managed to keep my work laptop shut for about 72 hours and went to San Antonio for the weekend.  This was so good for my soul.  I managed to have lunch and a nice outdoor walk with my law school friend Liz, my friend Trent met up with us for lunch and showed up bearing gifts for Alessandra, I saw several people from College Station throughout the weekend, and I was able to share tapas and a meal at an old college hangout with Sarmar.

Prior hobbies/interests- well, I didn't quite get to this...but it's only been two weeks since I decided I needed to turn things around!

Overall I feel really good about my progress in feeling in control of my life again.  I don't want to be a one-dimensional person with a singular purpose. I need to be a multi-dimensional person with a rich full life and I am starting to feel that way again.

At dinner with College Stations friends and Sarmar.  Alessandra was being cuddly with Daddy:

Alessandra is doing a great job of sitting up on her own.  She has very good posture too!  Here she is watching all the geeks walk to and from PAX South from our Hotel window.

Tapas with Sarmar:

Lunch with Liz at Mi Tierra.  There was gorgeous weather that day!

Another nice day! Walking to Buckhorn Saloon to meet Ryan's childhood friend Laura as well as my friend Trent-

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