Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Moments We Were Made For

When we feel the rush of a great success,
When we feel the triumph of overcoming unfavorable odds,
When we have a notable experience with the ones we love...

There are times, milestones, seasons when we feel more alive,
There are moments when we feel more convinced that we are an intended being,
There are times when the revelation that we a critical a component of existence comes to the forefront.

The truth is, all the moments matter.

The Creator didn't sit down one day and purposefully create a life for it to have 34 years of build-up to one moment of meaning.  Yes, some moments are more memorable.  Yes, some moments have a special place in our heart.  Yes, some moments are so critical to our life experience that it's hard to even remember what life was like before the moment transpired.

But we were created for each and every one of our moments. 

The thousand decisions we make in a day develop habits, thought patterns, ways of being in the world.  The attitude that we emanate affects others joys, their successes, their faith in what is possible.  The small moments ultimately culminate in a demeanor that is or isn't able to handle or effectuate the more momentous and critical moments.

Live the moments you were made for - the easily forgotten ones and the pivotal ones - as if each and every one is the moment that you were made for.

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