Monday, November 3, 2014

3 Months

Time has flown by. In some ways the days feel endless and like they all run together but trying to savor every moment means that all the busyness happens at such a fast pace.

Even though she is only three months old, I really feel like Alessandra's temperament and personality are already established and expressed on a daily basis.  Lucky for me, she is a very lovable wonderful little person!

For her daytime Halloween costume, Alessandra dressed as Baby Flo.

She sleeps well.  She's slept stretches of up to 4 hours since she was just a couple of weeks old.  Recently her sleep stretches at least 5 hours on a consistent basis and up to 7 or even 9 hours on occasion.

My sweet little sleeper.

She fusses little.  If Alessandra fusses I can almost guarantee she needs food, a nap, or a diaper change. I hear about purple crying, the "witching hour", etc. but Alessandra really doesn't give us any trouble unless she wants something very basic and her fussiness is very easily resolved.

She's easy to please.  For fun: Almost any new toy or new activity we introduced is fascinating and holds her attention for a long period of time. For necessities: Alessandra doesn't fuss about who gives her a bottle, what's in the bottle (we use formula on occasion), whether her bottle is straight out of the fridge or warm, etc. Alessandra will fall asleep in a variety of places in almost anyone's care.  She can sleep in her crib, in her swing, in my arms. I didn't realize how picky other children were about these kinds of things until now that I'm surrounded by other new parents.

She's social.  Alessandra is quick with a smile.  She allows anyone to carry her, isn't afraid of anyone, and loves to coo and smile at new people.  She can interact with anyone from a very calm soothing grandpa to an energetic 2 year old cousin and she is just as happy.

She enjoys being loved on by Grandpa Hernandez and cousin Isabella.

So many smiles.

She's determined.  It's amazing how I can show her how to do something and she will just keep trying until she can do it herself.  She doesn't lose interest easily, she remains very focused, and she does not give up until she does what she sets out to do.  It is so rewarding to help her learn new things.

I love so many things about her!  My precious girl brings me so much joy! It's worth all the work and exhaustion to get to share in this love relationship with this wonderful little person.

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