Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Something Divine

The world comes at us with its efforts to lure, confuse, enrage, seduce, divide, and appease.  Something as simple as scrolling through Facebook or joining co-workers at the proverbial water-cooler, can launch us into unproductive thought and conversation.  As Christians, we have instructions about how to treat our mind and on what to do with it.  We're given instructions as to the proper Objects on which a mind should focus.

One such instruction-
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Why?  Why is it important to fill our minds with these things?

First, its not that we're not to acknowledge or be proactive about problems in the world.  We are to be in tune with reality and to be leaders within our sphere of influence.  That call to be in the world and to make it - a little bit more each day - look like the place God willed for us is exactly why it matters what is displayed in the panoramic screen of our mind.

What is your motivation? Where does your strength lie? Do you fight for something, or only ever against? What do you seek to create? What were you born to do?  How do you define the very things you want to become?  Are you already some version of those things?  

How can I pass on to others what is true, what is pure, and what is worth of praise if I'm not familiar with it myself?  How can I expect to help grow those things in others if I'm not looking for and attentive to those things in my own mind?

Thank you Lord, for seeing not as a man sees. You know our every thought.  We can conceal nothing from You.  Knowing us as whole beings - knowing us as beings with Minds - You've set out instruction, protection, comfort, hope, drive and all of the other gifts of the mind.  We so easily are distracted by that which is unproductive.  Thank You for Your Word and the reminders of who we are and of what we're capable of.  Help us break through our limitations and access the thoughts that are truly worthy of the mind.

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