Thursday, January 21, 2016


Every day I have something meaningful and important to be dedicated to, to improve for, to be thankful for.

It's been easy for me to go to God with my needs for so long now.  I need a better job.  I need to be close to my family again.  I need to survive law school.  I have sought him for comfort, care, peace for so many years.

Is that all He wants from us?  Should our conversations with God center around asking for more, more, and more of what we think we need?

I pray differently now that I realize what's precious.  My pastor set out a means to pray that really makes sense to me.

Adoration: seeing a glimpse of Him in His majesty
Confession: being self-aware of my struggles, shortcomings, and areas needing improvement
Thanksgiving: for every moment, for every opportunity, for one more day that I get to be a mom
Supplication: coming full circle from realizing God's goodness, seeing where I need more of Him, seeing where He needs more from me, and asking that His will be done

It's clearer now - how to go to God with that heart, with that mindset, filled with the gift of perspective for all that He has given me, all that He is, and all that He has in store for me.

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