Sunday, June 7, 2015

Who is this baby??

We've been so spoiled with Alessandra.

Alessandra doesn't go to daycare yet. She goes to grandmas house for full time care so she's not exposed to many children or to their germs. She's about to be ten months old & she's only caught one the hospital.  For months on end we've enjoyed so many smiles, so much laughter, and so much adorableness all around.

Last weekend and at the start of this week Alessandra was such a terror! Alessandra got a tummy bug Friday night & a full recovery took a few days. She's been so CLINGY. So FUSSY. So not-Alessandra.

Alessandra cuddled daddy for hours.

 She looked SO tired.

Normally she wants to do her own thing & doesn't want to be held for long. While she's been sick she hasn't wanted to be put down At All. While it's nice receiving baby cuddles, Ryan & I developed sore arms & aching backs from carrying that 19 lb baby everywhere. We've also expended so much energy being careful not to allow her to fall or hit her head when she throws TANTRUMS involving screaming and a firmly arched back. I knew Alessandra wasn't sick with anything serious, and that was very comforting, but it was stressful trying to make Alessandra happy & being unable to cheer her up or calm her down.

Who is this baby?  Where is my sweet sweet happy girl??

It's been exhausting & stressful handling a sick baby. It really made me appreciate the multitude of days when Alessandra isn't sick!!

Alessandra is feeling better again and it's so nice having my wonderfully happy baby back!!  Let's put those clingy fussy days behind us and just enjoy our happy baby!!

 My smiley happy baby!!

If they're happy, I'm happy!!

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