Friday, September 12, 2014

The Greater Needs

Alessandra is growing like crazy!!  That means she is also very demanding!  She is a very sweet girl and, after hearing how other moms are faring, I've realized that she is a rather easy, predictable, "good" baby.  It's hard to admit that she's not as difficult as some other babies when most of my sleep is in two to three hour intervals, I eat most of my meals cold standing over the sink & I sometimes find it hard to squeeze in a full shower (my hair goes unwashed sometimes...).  But really about 95% of the time that she fusses all she needs is a diaper change, food, or her pacifier.  Her basic needs aren't so much complicated as they are demanding.  During the day we're on three hour cycles of feeding, pumping, diapering, soothing, etc. and in the evening she usually graciously extends those cycles to about five hours. It's a tough job.  I don't get weekends and evenings to recover or pursue other interests.  I'm hers around the clock.

I'm replaceable.  Anyone can meet those needs for Alessandra.  I can easily hire someone to meet her basic needs (hey, then I'd get some rest!) but I hope I offer Alessandra much more than that.  When I'm not physically taking care of her, usually during her naps, I am trying to figure out how to meet Alessandra's greater needs.

I often research or talk to other moms to try to find out what is best for her development.  Does crying it out benefit a child? When should I start tummy time? Should I help her to learn things or should I let her develop at her own pace?

I know there is no one-size-fits all answer to most parenting questions but I hope to learn from other people's wisdom and experiences.

The moments when I get to go beyond Alessandra's basic needs and meet her greater needs are my greatest joy.  I get so pumped up when I see her trying to do something that she previously couldn't.  I lay there on her mat during tummy time literally cheering her on and encouraging her as I see her try to lift her head, push up, or push forward.  I see her trying to fine tune her motor skills and figure out how to control her hands and make lots of excited noises so she knows mommy likes what she's doing.  I'm there to give her a big hug and many kisses when she gets so frustrated because she has tried to do something and failed.

Alessandra enjoying her swing.  It's one of her calm places.

 Alessandra on her first stroller walk around the neighborhood.  Grandpa joined us too.

 Alessandra learning to push up during her first tummy time.

I know these things don't change the world, but they get her one step closer to meeting her ultimate potential in life.  I want her to know from the start that I will always be there supporting her, cheering her on, and offering comfort when she needs it.

My goodness she meets my greater needs too.  I feel absolutely proud, excited, and happy with my life when she lets me just take it all in and enjoy her company.  It's such a blessing just holding her, putting on a good song, and swaying with her.  My precious little girl.  I know it won't last.  What lies ahead is great too.

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