Monday, September 22, 2014

Answered Prayers

When Ryan informed me that he was sick & I realized that around the time he was likely to recover he'd be out of town on a work trip, I felt a sinking feeling in my gut.  How am I going to do mom's job and dad's job until Ryan is well and present?!  I reached out to my family and to the mom's group that I recently joined asking both for help and for prayers.
Clearly I'm not a single mom. We're a dual income happily married couple raising our precious daughter together in our beautiful house.  We honestly have little hardship to speak of. However, with hubby being sick for days & leaving for a five day business trip, I got the tiniest peak into what it would be like to have to do this alone. We've kept Ryan away from Alessandra (and me) so that his cold doesn't spread & I've had to work so much harder to take on his tasks in addition to my own.  There's nothing like going without Ryan's help to realize how much he does for  us!! It's taken a great deal of planning to ensure that pumping, feeding, meal prep, bottle cleaning, etc. is all taken care of & that Alessandra gets the full attention that she deserves. There were a couple of times this week that I had to multiple task and a few times that things got put off for the next day. I really don't know how some moms do this without help from dad!  Typically Ryan does the dishes, washes laundry, grocery shops, and does various other tasks that free me up to do the hands on tasks with Alessandra such as feeding & diapering. It's been a bit overwhelming trying to take care of these things without Ryan and that's even with the benefit if our families.
Wonderful family! Everyone has taken a turn in helping out this week and I appreciate it greatly. My dad watched Alessandra twice so I could do chores & eat, my sister and brother-in-law took on a shift so that I was able to take a nap, my sister visited again so I could finish chores and brought me dinner, and my mother-in-law watched Alessandra so I could get clothes for my return to work next week. I don't know how I would have survived the week without so much help. Alessandra demands so much of my time & Ryan's help is what usually makes it possible for me to take care of my own needs. This whole experience without Ryan's help really makes me appreciate what I have. I am blessed beyond measure to have such a huge support system.

Grandma Hernandez cuddling with Alessandra.

Grandpa Hernandez is so comfy he always gets Alessandra to sleep.

Grandma Gosewehr getting to visit with Alessandra in her own home.

Tia Susie & Alessandra poolside.  Susie is probably plotting to kidnap Alessandra.

...This week I have to return to work while Ryan is out of state until Friday! I know I can do it because my family has already stepped up to help. I sure am looking forward to having Ryan back in town & in good health!!

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