Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It Takes a Village

Ryan goes on a business trip for one week every year.  Every year I humble myself, admit my limitations, and rely heavily on my village in order to survive the week.

My village consists of...

My mother-in-law - who cares for Alessandra three full work days per week and half days two days per week. Alessandra is so attached to Judy and really looks forward to going to grandma's house.

The church daycare - who care for Alessandra the other two half days.

The Hernandez side of the family - who invite us to dinner, join us for recreation around the neighborhood, and otherwise help me burn off Alessandra's energy.

My boss - who understands when I need to arrive late, leave early, make up time, or have a worried look on my face because I'm trying to be a good mom.

My fellow young moms - who check in on me daily, offer tips for helping a child adapt to a missing parent, and generally commiserate about the challenges of motherhood.

Boston Market (chicken), Chick-fil-a (chicken strips), Braum's (chicken strips...yes my daughter likes chicken that much) - who save me from burning food or, worse yet, burning my child while cooking.

Outside - for generally having a calming affect on my child while remaining intriguing.

The TV - for entertaining my child while I run around like a crazy person in the morning trying to pack Alessandra's lunch and put on my makeup.

The car-seat -  for lulling Alessandra to sleep so I don't have to sing the alphabet, Bingo, or the itsy-bitsy spider for the 10th time during our car ride home.

The pacifier - for assisting in bribing my child into brushing her teeth at night with less of a war than usual.

Jesus - for hearing my hundredth "oh no!" and thousandth "THANK YOU" every single day.

I wouldn't give up motherhood for anything but I sure appreciate and miss hubby.

Happy in Daddy's arms:

Blowing kisses to Daddy over face-time:

Visiting Mama at work:

Being a lawyer is exhausting:

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