Friday, March 21, 2014

Miss Gosewehr

Whenever I think about this little person that will be making an appearance in August, I think of her not just as a baby, but as a whole person with a long future ahead of her.  I imagine her growing up & I have so many ideas of what her life should be like.

She should be valedictorian.
She should be a black belt in martial arts.
She should be able to quote scripture better than my pastor.
She should be President or CEO of a fortune 500 company.
She should be a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

I have so many hopes & expectations for her.  But when I strip away the labels, the superficiality, the prestige & all of the other nonsense, I find what I really hope & expect for her future:

It's not that I want her to be the smartest in her class, it's that I want her to love the life of the mind & to seek and pursue knowledge and wisdom.
It's not that I want her to reach the top rank of a particular physical skill, it's that I want her to love and appreciate her body and her health and to strive for physical strength and well-being.
It's not that I want her to memorize Bible verses, it's that I want her to know & love our wonderful Savior & for her to delight in His presence and in His word.
It's not that I want her to have power for power's sake, but that I want her to be a guide and example, a purposeful leader to those who need to be led.
It's not that I want her to be recognized for her good deeds, but that I want her to care for her fellow man and to pursue that which benefits others.

My daughter is so small right now.  She weighs 12 ounces and she needs me day in & day out in order to survive.  If she lost me tomorrow, doctors would not fight to keep her alive.  But she won't always need me.  She's a person.  She has a future. Her life is filled with so much potential and maximizing that potential has become my priority.  God has given me so much but this is one of the biggest responsibilities & the greatest joys that God has ever given me.  I know that even when I finish carrying her, she will look to and depend on me as she develops her own identity.  I can't just tell her how to live, I have to show her.  I have more reason than ever to strive for greatness.  I will be a daily example to her & it's my duty to ensure that she has someone from whom to learn the love of wisdom, physical well-being, Love of God, leadership, love for others, and all of the other things that I hope for her.

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