Monday, January 16, 2017

Family of Four!!

I haven't posted an update in a few months... I stopped blogging right around the time we found out we are expecting our second baby!!

I know many women who handle pregnancy beautifully but I am not one of them.  I haven't felt well for the greater part of the last 3 months but I think I've finally reached a reprieve that should last for most of the second trimester.

We're due July 11 and there is so much we need to do to prepare for the new baby's arrival.  Of course we will need to purchase some baby essentials, transform a spare bedroom into the nursery, and prepare Alessandra's big-girl room.

We will also need to mentally prepare the whole family for the new arrival!

Alessandra is not excited about the new addition at this time.  She keeps telling me "no baby" and is not excited about the thought of a little brother or little sister.  I've seen her interact with other kids though - little babies and older kids - and I know that once the baby arrives she will be more excited about her new buddy.  She is very used to having all of mama and daddy's love and attention so I'm already looking into ways to ensure that she feels happy and open to the upcoming changes.  I've even talked to my counselor about some tips and techniques to help ease the transition.  I'm hoping for the best but trying to prepare for a bit of potential heartache on Alessandra's part.  I think the transition will be difficult but in the long run she is going to love having a sibling to play with.

I am a little freaked out about the new baby.  Alessandra is so self-sufficient, such a good sleeper, and is so easy to take care of all-around.  It's crazy to think I'm going to have a tiny baby that is fully dependent on me all over again.  We have to start from scratch with midnight feedings, sleep training, trying to figure out what is wrong with someone who can't talk, etc.  Despite the bits of fear and anxiety, I feel confident that I will be just fine with the second baby.  I know what I'm doing now that I've been through it all with Alessandra! Experience counts for something, right?

Ryan gets to endure the worst part of this transition now.  Life with a newborn isn't easy, and I'm sure the first few months following the birth will be difficult for him but I think the demands on his time and energy are at their worst while I'm pregnant!  I am so dependent on him when I don't feel well and he has had to pick up so much slack taking over many of my responsibilities from bathing Alessandra, to ensuring that dinner is on the table in the evenings, and trying to keep me as comfortable as possible despite the various pregnancy symptoms.  I am so blessed to have him in my life! I am sure he is looking forward to the new baby's arrival so he can have a healthy normal wife again.  Although he has such a good attitude and is such a wonderful dad and hubby, I'm sure he would love to take a nice long break from all of these demands.

We all have to be there for each other and this will make life even better for all of us.  We can't lose sight of what we already have just because we are undergoing a big change.  Alessandra will still receive so much love, encouragement, and she will always be my first baby, even if another little person has my love too. Ryan hoped for Alessandra to have a sibling for a long time and I know he is excited to have another little best-friend.  No one makes Alessandra smile quite like her daddy and I know Ryan will develop a special bond with the new baby too. I can't believe I will have a new person to love! The relationships with special people in my life are what give life meaning.  Everything else is transient and fleeting but my bonds with my family are what make life so special.  I can't wait to be someone else's mommy - responsible for their health, growth, and happiness.  We'll take good care of you New Baby!