Sunday, April 12, 2015

Growing Up!!

My sweet little lady is growing up so fast!!

A couple of weeks ago she was our immobile little baby, trying so hard to scoot along on the ground.  Now, she's up & about!  She crawls at full speed while Daddy & I chase her around the house.  She also pulls up and cruises around on furniture, items we set up for her, and even on random toys & people she doesn't know lol



She attended another baby birthday party for the first time this weekend and it was great!  She was carried around, complimented, and did a great job interacting with a new kiddo.

Alessandra playing with a new friend:

He tried to eat her foot at one point but she never fussed.  She was too busy exploring & playing with all the new toys.  She also pulled up on the laps of people she'd never met before but they didn't seem to mind :-)

It is so bitter sweet seeing her do new things.  It's hard to see how big she's getting and to know how many wonderful moments are in the past and will never happen again.  She doesn't need me to rock her to sleep anymore.  She can get around the house without me.  She can eat solids and isn't fully dependent on me for food anymore.

I praise Jesus every time she does something new.  I'll never take her advancement for granted.  With the way she is blowing through milestones there's pretty frequent hallelujahs around our house.  She makes me such a proud mama.  I know she loves becoming more independent & I'm happy to help her learn new skills.

Mama & Dada each had a special treat this week.
Dada was helping her walk around in the living room when she decided she was ready for her first step!  She spun around where she was standing and took one step right into his arms.
She also finally said mama today.  I know she isn't aware of what it means yet but it was still so nice to hear it.  I hear "Dada" alllllll the time but I had to wait 8 months and 5 days to finally hear her say Mama. She was being a big girl, finishing off four ounces of carrots when, out of nowhere, she just kept saying Mama over and over again.  It made me so happy!!

I love my girl so much!  Things are starting to wind down at work as I prepare to move to the new job and it has been So Wonderful having more time for Ryan & for my precious girl.  Family moments are priceless and it's such a relief having more time to enjoy those moments.  Nothing is more important or more fulfilling than time with my wonderful Bears.