Monday, May 19, 2014

Falling In Love All Over Again

Hubby & I went to a Prepared Child Birth class at the hospital in anticipation of the arrival of our little girl and I was blown away.  Honestly, I've wondered over the last few months how hubby will fare when I go into labor. Although he has always been there for me when I've needed him, it's hard to know what to expect in this new context.  It was so reassuring to experience that class as a team.  Yes, there was so much for ME to learn at the class, but there was so much information for fathers as well and Ryan soaked it all up.  He was there to learn just as much as I was and I feel confident that he will be 100% dedicated to helping me through labor when the time comes.
Deciding to have a child together means that we've decided to embark on another life-long commitment together.  We previously said 'til death do us part and decided to take on the life-long journey of marriage together but we've now also agreed to venture into unknown territory together on a project that will surely be full of joys and challenges.  Ryan has been in this as a team every step of the way.  The pregnancy itself has been physically and emotionally difficult and Ryan has been my rock through it all.  He is so compassionate and supportive and is always trying to make sure that I'm as comfortable as possible despite the various discomforts associated with pregnancy.  I'm so thankful for his support throughout the pregnancy.  I imagine it gets tiring coming home to someone who is pretty miserable every day but he is so patient and caring day after day.

Here he is learning how to take care of a baby:

I love you Bear!!